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Stormy Skies

Friday, July 20, 2012

Differing from my usual scenery, I decided to switch it up this week by asking a friend of mine if we could do a shoot in Waxahachie. I have always wanted to photograph there but it just never worked out. Meet Maddie, a gorgeous girl who was super willing to give my ideas a shot--especially in this Texas weather. At first it was over 100 degrees, within an hour, there was a cool breeze, stormy skies, and much better pictures as a result. The shift in weather definitely helped the shoot because it differed from the usual blue skies, white clouds. I finally got to experiment a bit with various hand movements and as a result, I decided to only add contrast to them since the photographs already had vibrant colors. I hope you enjoy them! Happy Friday!

2 Responses to “Stormy Skies”

  1. the third from the bottom looks like a painting, loves it !
    what brand is your cam ?
