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Archive for 2012

Day Adventures

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Finally made plans to go to Mt. Bonnell--the highest point in Austin, TX. I have been planning on going there ever since I came to Austin but never went through with any plans. Last Saturday morning, I finally went and loved it. It was December 1st and 80 degrees. I didn't expect anything less from Texas weather. My mentor group and I went exploring around and down little trails, it was so beautiful. I decided to experiment a little with the manual settings on my camera and photographing the scenery since I have not been behind a camera in awhile.

           We also went to a hidden place called Castle Hill. There is graffiti everywhere. Every time you look at the graffiti, you find something you have not seen before. Real life I Spy. It's on Baylor Street and pretty hard to miss. There is actually a castle at the top of the hill, above the graffiti.

Austin's Nature and Science Center is pictured above. Lovely weather and an even better sight.

Here are a few more pictures from Mt. Bonnell. Enjoy!


Game Day

Thursday, November 22, 2012

         In celebration of today's game against TCU, and finding the time to make a blog post, I'm finally posting the game day dress I made. I knew I wanted to make one when I found out how easy it was to make, but did not actually make it until the night before I left for UT. There are so many different kinds you can make that just require minimal sewing and creativity.

I used a big shirt, black fabric, and elastic. Pretty simple once you start it. I bought a belt from Charming Charlie's and that's it! All you need is a shirt and fabric and you are good to go. Can't wait to make more for the years to come. Have a great Thanksgiving and Hook'em! 
And here's some Instagrammed pictures of the Tower. Enjoy!

Starting Here, Starting New

Friday, August 24, 2012

There are so many feelings that are running through my mind and thousands of other freshmen right now--excited, anxious, and independent, to say the least. I cannot wait to see what is in store. Moving in was simpler than I thought, but dorm decor has been a little challenging. New walls (Not really new, more like blank) to hang photographs, new room set up, ultimately, a new start. I wanted something that was artsy but simple and welcoming. Over the summer I did a few DIY projects, courtesy of Pinterest, including spray painting a bottle and making a ring bowl.

For the bottle, I kept a bottle that I found at the lake last summer, wrote the word "love" with a glue gun on the bottle, spray painting it afterwards. Makes it a bit classier. I did the same process for a pencil cup on my desk that I found at a garage sale. For the ring bowl, I wanted a plate-like bowl that could hold small items I would use daily such as rings and my room key. I found the nicest porcelain DIY project on Pinterest in German and just knew this was what I wanted. Air-dry porcelain clay with a lace doily pressed on a portion on the bowl did just the trick. The tutorial can be found here. My room colors are turquoise with white and a bit of yellow. 

The clothespin idea on a string was inspired from my art teacher who definitely inspired me by her craftiness. I just compiled a few of the postcards I had--one from New York, another from my friend in Colorado, and some photographs. Also, a watercolor piece of mine and one done by a friend. Enjoy and Hook'em!

Best Kept Secret

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Waking up early is never really exciting, but last Friday was an exception. My dad and I went on a bike ride to somewhere new--the Joe Pool Lake dam. So close to my house and yet I had never seen it. It is labeled the "best kept secret in Dallas" by several people, and now I am one of them. The two-lane road on a beautiful hill over looking Grand Prairie in one direction and the serene lake on the other. The road is only accessible to runners and cyclists and is definitely a must-go. The cool breeze and cheerful waves from other cyclists make this destination friendly and enjoyable. I'm slightly upset I just heard about this place when I am about to move to Austin, but it was great to bike there. It is a little suprising to me that there is such a lovely place just minutes from the city. It is a great place to go too to get away from one's busy schedule and simply relax. You should definitely go if you get the chance, enjoy!  

Stormy Skies

Friday, July 20, 2012

Differing from my usual scenery, I decided to switch it up this week by asking a friend of mine if we could do a shoot in Waxahachie. I have always wanted to photograph there but it just never worked out. Meet Maddie, a gorgeous girl who was super willing to give my ideas a shot--especially in this Texas weather. At first it was over 100 degrees, within an hour, there was a cool breeze, stormy skies, and much better pictures as a result. The shift in weather definitely helped the shoot because it differed from the usual blue skies, white clouds. I finally got to experiment a bit with various hand movements and as a result, I decided to only add contrast to them since the photographs already had vibrant colors. I hope you enjoy them! Happy Friday!


Monday, July 16, 2012

Summer has sped by and it is already the middle of July. Well I went to Crystal Beach (near Galveston, Texas) earlier this month with my cousins and loved the scenery there, and the beach of course. It's not remotely close to the dried grass and leafless trees found where I live. Well it's not completely dead here but it is not the most appealing environment. But here, it is luscious, green, and soothing. I decided not to edit this set of pictures too much because the natural scenery and the natural look of my cousin, so it went hand-in-hand to me. I also found that it seemed to make more of an impact in black and white because of the various textures of grass, rocks, flowers, and water. A little bit of scenic photography for you too. These pictures are somewhat a reflection of the type of pictures I take, including landscape as well as people, with a major focus on people. I used to only do landscape and it was nice to have the major focus on it again, with a model. I'm a big black and white photography fan primarily because it allows the viewer to focus on the content rather than the colors.  Hopefully I'll get more into it, enjoy!