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Best Kept Secret

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Waking up early is never really exciting, but last Friday was an exception. My dad and I went on a bike ride to somewhere new--the Joe Pool Lake dam. So close to my house and yet I had never seen it. It is labeled the "best kept secret in Dallas" by several people, and now I am one of them. The two-lane road on a beautiful hill over looking Grand Prairie in one direction and the serene lake on the other. The road is only accessible to runners and cyclists and is definitely a must-go. The cool breeze and cheerful waves from other cyclists make this destination friendly and enjoyable. I'm slightly upset I just heard about this place when I am about to move to Austin, but it was great to bike there. It is a little suprising to me that there is such a lovely place just minutes from the city. It is a great place to go too to get away from one's busy schedule and simply relax. You should definitely go if you get the chance, enjoy!  

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