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Archive for August 2012

Starting Here, Starting New

Friday, August 24, 2012

There are so many feelings that are running through my mind and thousands of other freshmen right now--excited, anxious, and independent, to say the least. I cannot wait to see what is in store. Moving in was simpler than I thought, but dorm decor has been a little challenging. New walls (Not really new, more like blank) to hang photographs, new room set up, ultimately, a new start. I wanted something that was artsy but simple and welcoming. Over the summer I did a few DIY projects, courtesy of Pinterest, including spray painting a bottle and making a ring bowl.

For the bottle, I kept a bottle that I found at the lake last summer, wrote the word "love" with a glue gun on the bottle, spray painting it afterwards. Makes it a bit classier. I did the same process for a pencil cup on my desk that I found at a garage sale. For the ring bowl, I wanted a plate-like bowl that could hold small items I would use daily such as rings and my room key. I found the nicest porcelain DIY project on Pinterest in German and just knew this was what I wanted. Air-dry porcelain clay with a lace doily pressed on a portion on the bowl did just the trick. The tutorial can be found here. My room colors are turquoise with white and a bit of yellow. 

The clothespin idea on a string was inspired from my art teacher who definitely inspired me by her craftiness. I just compiled a few of the postcards I had--one from New York, another from my friend in Colorado, and some photographs. Also, a watercolor piece of mine and one done by a friend. Enjoy and Hook'em!

Best Kept Secret

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Waking up early is never really exciting, but last Friday was an exception. My dad and I went on a bike ride to somewhere new--the Joe Pool Lake dam. So close to my house and yet I had never seen it. It is labeled the "best kept secret in Dallas" by several people, and now I am one of them. The two-lane road on a beautiful hill over looking Grand Prairie in one direction and the serene lake on the other. The road is only accessible to runners and cyclists and is definitely a must-go. The cool breeze and cheerful waves from other cyclists make this destination friendly and enjoyable. I'm slightly upset I just heard about this place when I am about to move to Austin, but it was great to bike there. It is a little suprising to me that there is such a lovely place just minutes from the city. It is a great place to go too to get away from one's busy schedule and simply relax. You should definitely go if you get the chance, enjoy!