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Recent Projects

Friday, January 25, 2013

     The year has barely started and it is already off to a crazy start! I haven't had the chance to update since before break so the few projects I worked on over break were a braided infinity scarf and a simple black skirt. I did a few sewing fixes last semester but nothing with my machine so needless to say, I was so happy to get back to work. The scarf was a lot simpler than I thought it would be! Just fabric, cut some off to braid, then sew the sides and braids to the scarf. Of course it is navy blue, because it goes with everything. 

     The black skirt was a tutorial I found on Pinterest that really is as easy as it says it is. It's not one of those "easy do-it-yourself" and you are left with fabric, thread, and confusing instructions. I finished this skirt in just a few short hours and love it. It's light, comfortable, and again, goes with half of my closet!

     I also decided to cover the letter "O" I got from a Secret Santa gift with blue yarn for my room. Sounds easy, but it took me about five hours!


     Over break I also went to Leadershape, a six-day leadership program at Camp Balcones Springs so naturally, I took pictures. This time we explored a bit further than I did previously, and discovered horses, llamas, and an old firetruck.

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