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Paper Trees

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Artwork inspired by Su Blackwell has been my focus in Studio Art so far. Using a book in a way that intrigues people is what first caught my attention to her work. Stressful, tedious, yet rewarding. I worked with paper and 3D towards the end of last year, but never anything like this. At first I didn't like it, and felt like it was not going to work out well. I have finally figured out some tricks with the hot glue and the paper so it has gotten a bit easier. I am hoping to include more media as I progress but here are the two I have done. On the top left is my most recent work, with media such as fabric, wooden branches, and coffee stains on the pathway. On the bottom is my previous work and first book that I cut up. I used wire to make the tree, swing, branches, and roots. I plan to continue this nature theme and see where it takes me for now.

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