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Archive for 2011

Into the Woods

Sunday, December 18, 2011

What started off as a cloudy day, ended up with wonderful, natural light photographs. My friend discovered an old, weathered down cotton mill near her house in the woods and I knew I had to shoot it. She also has a cemetery right next to her house so I wanted to shoot that as well. We were going for a bohemian look which somehow turned into this melancholic girl lost in metal scraps. Sam was the model and I even had a stylist this shoot, thanks Danielle!
Here's how a few of them turned out.

Meet Gabby and Maggie

Monday, November 28, 2011

                                                                     I've known Gabby for a long time, and we've been talking about a photoshoot for awhile now and it finally happened! Gabby and Maggie are sisters and are absolutely stunning together. I've been wanting to do a photoshoot with a chair and they had the perfect vintage one at home! We took pictures at a nearby creek and they had positive and open attitudes the entire time. I loved taking pictures of them, it was great! I'm extremely happy with the outcome--this was an unplanned photoshoot and we kind of went with the flow with everything. Here's a few of the final ones. Enjoy!

From Darkness to Light

Our recent assignment was based off of the show Work of Art. One of their tasks was to choose a newspaper headline and create a work of art based on that, incorporating newspaper as a media. Our assignment was the same, and I chose an article from the Dallas Morning News titled From Darkness to Light. I covered a wall with newspaper and had my friend Gabby model for me. Over the break I really got back into photography and even though I'll miss making book art, I'm glad to be back in 2D. There are more pictures to come soon!

Paper Trees

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Artwork inspired by Su Blackwell has been my focus in Studio Art so far. Using a book in a way that intrigues people is what first caught my attention to her work. Stressful, tedious, yet rewarding. I worked with paper and 3D towards the end of last year, but never anything like this. At first I didn't like it, and felt like it was not going to work out well. I have finally figured out some tricks with the hot glue and the paper so it has gotten a bit easier. I am hoping to include more media as I progress but here are the two I have done. On the top left is my most recent work, with media such as fabric, wooden branches, and coffee stains on the pathway. On the bottom is my previous work and first book that I cut up. I used wire to make the tree, swing, branches, and roots. I plan to continue this nature theme and see where it takes me for now.

Running Through Fields

Thursday, July 7, 2011

My friend and I decided to do a photoshoot last minute while at her house so we quickly determined outfit, makeup, hair, and location. We picked a lovely old corn field and a field of a variety of grasses. Away from my usual settings, I wasn't sure how this shoot would turn out. I had my doubts because I didn't have any props or an old shack as the background. In the corn field we chose the theme of a girl who was left behind, alone, looking for answers, or holding onto hope. In the grassy field, we went more along the lines of an Indian princess running away to the city. All details aside, I had a great time photographing and it was definitely different from my other shoots. Check out the results!

Old Banks and Cupcakes

Friday, June 17, 2011

Hey guys! I know it has been awhile but I've been busy with work and catching up with friends this summer so far. Anyways, I did a photoshoot this past Saturday and I LOVED IT! It was definately my most thoughtout photoshoot with the location, props, and such, and the models were absolutely adorable. This was my first photoshoot with young children and although I had my doubts, it exceeded my expectations! Our theme was vintage bohemian tea party picnic. A mouthful, I know. We started out in Mansfield, Texas at an old bank and then a general store, both from the early-mid 1900s. It had the perfect rustic feel I was going for! Afterwards, we set up a picnic in a grassy field complete with cupcakes, a china set, and frilly tutus. The props included a DIY Banner, flowers in an old pickle jar, cupcakes, antique books, purses, lovely jewelry, and a doll. The girls were naturals, which made my job a lot easier. I had a great time and can't wait for the next one!

From Dress to Mess to Fabulous!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

My original idea was based on ModCloth's Ranch House Darling Dress... however, it didn't exactly work out. Nevertheless, my teacher had the idea of changing the dress into a shirt. I made the little white ruffles by cutting a circle in the fabric then sewing all around it so it would have a slight fray. I bought a piece of leather from JoAnns and sewed it to the top of the shirt. I love how it came out and am now definitely ready for summer!

Boho What?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Yesterday I did a photoshoot with two girls from my school. It was set again in Bishop Arts but it was entirely different. For starters, this is the first time I've photographed two models at once and I loved it. Secondly, I used props that my teacher brought. Thirdly, it was themed as Bohemian Chic, or Boho Chic. I had a fabulous time photographing these girls because they are bubbly and were willing to go along with what ideas. We used vintage suitcases, lovely hat boxes, and other props that I loved! This was a great photoshoot and it really got me back into loving photography.

Trying things for the first time..

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I've never had a blog before and I've always wanted one. I decided to make one because my art teacher told me I should so here it is. My name is Olivia Migacz and I'm a junior. I love doing yoga and wearing fuzzy socks. I love old postage stamps and flower prints. I'm mainly interested in photography but recently I have been experimenting with a variety of art medias such as sketches, collages, and more. I love cold weather but I live in Texas. I went to Honduras this past summer and loved every moment of it. I want to go back or do mission work in another country. I don't know what I want to do in the future but I have a pretty good idea. Let's see if I can keep this up.